I have a website

I have been building a plain HTML website over the past few months. I have been quite enjoying creating non-post pages, like resource collections. I also like the plain HTML aesthetic for some reason, not to mention its accessibility (screen reader & visibility) and portability (save a page's HTML source should you like it, it's all self-contained).

So I'll be over there. I'm not shutting down this blog, but I wonder if I will be here again. Maybe if I feel more inclined for blog-style posts. But I often enjoy revising and adding to documents rather than thought-dumping and editing into a blog post.

I have done literally nothing fancy with the webpages. No RSS, no CSS, no JavaScript. If you don't like how it looks, then use your browser's reader mode and customize that! I wouldn't be surprised as well if there are browser extensions to overload CSS on webpages.

But quick update on my gaming: I was playing and running games into October when I had a health emergency and put all DnD on hold until about a week ago. But I'm back in the saddle.

I'm also realizing my place among gamers: I'm a bit more beer & pretzels than I thought! I am a PhD student currently and probably expected my *ahem* highly theoretical mind *pat on the back* to latch onto game design theory. But I'm finding I just want to have fun at the table. I definitely prefer running games over playing them, but have more fun at the table than pontificating on design principles. I'm OK with that!

I am also so dungeon brained now. I'm SO OK with that! I love the Nightwick Abbey campaign I'm in, I'm running a by-the-book OD&D stocked dungeon for some friends, and will run soon a dungeon for a celebrity-to-me.

Anyways, for the new website, there is an archive of every post here and on the blog before this (scraped of CSS and JS, so some stuff look funky). If you want to contact me for corrections or comments on any page there, feel free to email me from the link on that site's homepage.


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