The Orelian Botanical Gardens

The name "Silent Garden" from an earlier post stuck with me. This is another interpretation, as a megadungeon.


The best-known ruins of Orelioth that exist today are that of a former botanical gardens. Their location is generally rumored to be on an island in the river near where it is said the capital of Orelioth once lay. The gardens are said to be haunted, enchanted, or just straight-up weird by those who have survived to tell the tale. It is most often called the Silent Garden.

The Silent Garden is now entirely underground, with a system of skylights and mirrors illuminating lower levels. Despite being unusually strong, time has taken its toll and many have broken through.

No one is sure how many levels deep the Garden goes. No one is actually quite sure it was a botanical gardens in its time. Some scholars believe it to actually be an ancient magical horticulture research lab, a place where magicians and scientists would research magical horticulture. This certainly could be the case, as the overgrown plants within display many bizarre and wonderful behaviors and features. 

Very few have ventured deeply into the Garden. It is quite dangerous to all but the most capable. Many weird and fantastic plants and plant-like things lie within. But one would hesitate to face the giant cactus worms or the armored fly traps that survive there, nor the dog's head lichen that coats the walls. 


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